Keeping Your Instagram Story Private: How to Hide It from Certain Viewers

by Hud@Class@Times22
Instagram Story

Instagram tales provide a window into our everyday lives, however, there are instances when you would possibly need to limit who sees your updates. Fortunately, Instagram affords options to manipulate who perspectives your stories, ensuring you’ve got the privacy you desire. Here’s the way to hide your Instagram story from specific individuals:

Step 1: Open Instagram and Access Your Story

Launch the Instagram app for your tool and navigate to your profile using tapping your profile photo within the backside right nook. From there, tap on your profile image or the " " sign at the pinnacle left to create a brand new story or view your modern-day story.

Step 2: Viewers List and Customization

Once you’ve accessed your tale, swipe as much as view the listing of people who’ve watched your story. Here, you may find a listing of all visitors. To customize who can view your story:

Step 3: Hide Your Story from Specific Users

From the Viewers List: Tap at the 3 dots after the username of the character you wish to hide your tale from.
Select ‘Hide Story From [Username]’: Tap on this selection to make certain this person no longer sees your destiny testimonies.

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Step 4: Review and Confirm

A spark-off will seem asking you to affirm your preference. Once shown, the chosen consumer will now not have to get admission to view your testimonies. They won’t be notified of this action, maintaining the privacy of your account.

Additional Tips:

Unhiding a Story: If you desire to revert this motion, comply with the equal steps but select ‘Unhide Story From [Username]’ to restore their viewing and get the right of entry.
Story Privacy Settings: Instagram also gives broader privacy settings inside the app’s settings segment. You can control who sees your memories with the aid of adjusting your account’s normal privacy settings.


Instagram provides customers with control over their content visibility. By following these easy steps, you may make certain that your testimonies are the simplest seen by the audience you choose. This function empowers users to preserve their favored stage of privacy at the same time as sharing their moments on the platform.

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